Press Release - September 15, 2023

Press Release - For Immediate Release

A recent financial analysis brought good news for Shawano District taxpayers since it revealed that the District had a $2.6 million surplus in its 2022-23 budget rather than an expected deficit, eliminating the need for the District to hold an operating referendum in April of 2024.

In spring of 2022, a substantial budget deficit was projected for the 2022-23 school year, fueled by a pattern of declining enrollment. Administrators immediately began a series of cost-cutting measures including budget reductions in all areas. A total of 16 full-time positions were left unfilled. Despite those reductions, the budget was projected to still have a deficit at the start of the 2022-23 school year.

To deal with the deficit, officials also began considering holding an operating referendum in April of 2024 that, if approved by voters, would have allowed the District to exceed its state-set revenue caps.

However, the budget reductions, unfilled staff positions and increased savings measures, coupled with increases in state and federal funding resulted in the budget surplus, Superintendent Kurt Krizan said. 

“We are happy that our cost-cutting measures resulted in this surplus and led to tax reductions for many District residents,” Krizan said. “We believe we have been good stewards of the taxpayers’ money.”

Krizan said the Board of Education would examine options for using the surplus such as
addressing deferred maintenance needs.

The District is continuing to consider holding a capital referendum next year of between $70 million and $110 million to address significant infrastructure needs and building improvements.

“It's good news that the district’s operating budget is in good shape. Yet, we need to move
forward to take care of critical building maintenance needs,” Krizan said. “The cost of those
needs is more than the budget surplus and can only be addressed by a capital referendum. That’s why it is important that the community respond to the survey that will be sent out in early
October. The results will help us better understand the community’s priorities for a capital